

Sunday 12 October 2008, by frédéric dumond

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

frédéric dumond was born in 1967.
he is an artist and a poet
he lives and works in Montreuil (Ile-de-France)

he studied literature and history at Reims, Art History at the Paris l et Ecole du Louvre, art at E.N.A. Cergy-Pontoise and has worked as a journalist.
he did several jobs : librarian (Cabinet des dessins, Musée du Louvre), proofreader and journalist, as to live on and as a supplement in his training

in his work, frédéric dumond is concerned with how text and language are given meaning in what is called the ’information age’. Thus, in order to help us notice the emergence of a text into everyday use, he not only explores the political and social context from which it emerges but presents language as an ’event’: the text, or the word, as an ’experiment’. He is not concerned therefore, with texts and language simply as passive forms of communication or subtle acts persuasion or propaganda but how they in themselves -through the medium of installations, performances, texts, videos, sound pieces and books- function as a phenomenon. In this way they reveal more than meets the eye or ear.

last interventions and publications (selection) :
erre, website of a work in progress made during a CulturesFrance stay in Budapest (2008-2009)
médiologies, a performance cycle (Khiasma, Sonorités, Photos & Légendes) (2008)
we are under attack et ad hominem (texts), (2008)
téléologie (poems), éd. de l’Attente (2007)

frédéric dumond’s web sites :

TÉLÉMÉTRIES, artistes et télévision
Extensions, dynamiques d’écriture

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