
màsodik nap second day

Monday 20 October 2008

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

sun nap
monday hetfö
for ö pronounce the vowel like in bird, always for s pronounce like sh in show/ for cs pronounce like chain / for ly pronounce like the beginning of year

today ma metróval I took the metro at Déak Ferenc tér stop looking for nyómtatö a printer

" "Ferenc Deák (1803-1876), Hungarian statesman who favored non-violent independence from Austria. Deák was born in Söjtör. He was educated as a lawyer and was first elected to the Hungarian legislature at the age of 30. He served for three years and was again a member of the legislature from 1839 to 1840. During the period before the Revolution of 1848, Deák became known as a leader of the group of Hungarian patriots favoring the establishment by legal means of the autonomy of Hungary within the Austrian Empire. He became minister of justice under Premier Lajos Batthyány in 1848, but took no part in the attempt of the Hungarian patriot Lajos Kossuth to establish an independent Hungary by force of arms. After the counterrevolution of 1849, Deák retired from public office for several years. He again sat in the legislature in 1861 and in 1866, always urging a liberal constitution for Hungary.

Austria’s defeat in its wars with Italy (1859) and Prussia (1866) convinced the Austrian government that improved relations within the empire were desirable, and Deák’s moderation in refusing to exploit Austria’s weakness after the defeat in the Seven Weeks’ War in 1866 encouraged the Austrian emperor to initiate negotiations for a new constitution for Hungary modeled after that of 1848. The result was the so-called Ausgleich of 1867, under which a dual monarchy of Austria and Hungary was established. Deák declined the premiership of the newly established kingdom of Hungary and returned to private life." (from went very early to bed

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